We Work Collaboratively To Find The Right, Constructive Solution For You
Our attorneys at The Family Law and Fertility Law Group generally prefer an out-of-court, client-centered, team-based approach to ending a marriage. Resolving matters without resorting to court involvement is often the most effective way to foster a functional post-divorce environment and create customized, durable resolutions.
If you are considering the Collaborative Divorce process, it is vital to select the right professionals for your collaborative team. Our certified attorneys have trained extensively in the practice of Collaborative Law. Our attorneys are actively involved with both the Cincinnati Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Our involvement has included founding membership and executive positions within these institutions.
Because the Collaborative Process is a shift from traditional divorce models, it is imperative to hire an attorney who is trained in and committed to the practice of Collaborative Law.
Schedule a consultation by calling us at 513-455-4700 to learn if the Collaborative Process may be the right option for you.